Dec 01, 2022

Mobile Apps are a MUST for business in post COVID-19 times.

“Mobileis not the future, it is the now. Meet your customers in the environment of their choice, not where it’s convenient for you. ” Cyndie Shaffstall

Industries such as hospitality, retail and travel will need significant time to fully adapt to this new ‘normal’. Other sectors, like eCommerce, gaming, working-from-home and video streaming have already established themselves as ‘normal’ for many of us.

Why have certain industry-based mobile apps become essential for Businesses and consumers? Because mobile apps are not just highly profitable and popular, but are helping people to:

  • Stay safe 
  • Maintain social distancing 
  • Give peace of mind
Types of Mobile App quickly becoming popular in this new ‘normal’.

Banking Apps offer the usual basic activities like paying bills, monitoring bank accounts and fund transferring. Popularity in the UK has grown exponentially in recent years and even more since early 2020, with many customers managing their finances using their bank’s mobile app.

Recent trends are seeing customers use their banking apps daily. Showing a massive, marked increase in User Interaction and communication.

Grocery Apps have gone through a great transformation. We know that businesses will put increased effort and money into areas of their business that are in demand. Prior to the pandemic, there was only a limited demand for groceries through apps, so therefore only a limited investment into it. When the pandemic hit and people were scared or unable to get to the shops, the demand for a better app exploded. Get in line with Tesco whoosh delivery or Sainsburys chop chop delivery. 

Healthcare Apps have made it easier to keep fit and healthy from the comfort of our homes since Gyms and Healthcare centres were closed or been severely restricted. These apps have allowed businesses to keep us strong, mentally & physically. Including:

  • Fitness apps
  • Medical care apps
  • Nutrition apps
  • Meditation / Yoga apps
  • Mental health apps

Online fitness apps can allow the user to work at their own pace, keep record of the progress, set reminders and so much more. 

Some on-demand medical apps even offer instructions on how to conduct sample tests, book consultations, order repeat prescriptions and even have them delivered to your doorstep.

“Health & Fitness Apps see 40% surge in Downloads and set new records for consumer spend."

Dating Apps had seen a massive surge during this global pandemic lockdowns. During the Coronavirus outbreak, we have seen an outstanding increase in the download of apps like Hinge, Bumble, and Tinder as face-to-face meetups have been prohibited.

In 2019, it was already forecasted that more individualswould be meeting their partners virtually by 2035. On 29th March 2020, Tinder users worldwide swiped through 3 billion probable matches. This was record-shattering.

Entertainment Apps help people reduce boredom. Amazon Prime, Scrabble, Google Play Music GO, IMDb tv, Netflix, Snapchat, Spotify, YouTube, Paramount+, Facebook etc. have encountered an unprecedented surge in subscriptions and use.

Engagement with news apps, in order to get updates on current global topics has topped all previous records. News apps like BBC News, CNN, AP, AppleNews etc. have become much more popular.

e-Learning Apps the lockdown has not only forced students to use online resources but also inspired many professionals to try and diversify their knowledge by developing new skills.

For instance, popular online language apps like Duolingo experienced a 148% spike in registration during the start of the pandemic in the US. Followed by, Udemy encountered a 425% increase in enrollments.

Food Delivery Apps many cafes and restaurants (certainly within the UK) lost income and much of their workforce as the first Lockdowns hit and Brexit followed. They could only operate after closing their doors for the pandemic because some food delivery businesses like UberEats.

Food delivery app downloads have increased by 33% during pandemic, we have ready solutions for a nominal cost. Get in touch for a demo.

In short…

From managing health and wealth to learning new skills, users are spending significantly more time on mobile apps. An app that helps people to maintain social distancing (or at least, make their life easier) has massively more scope to succeed in these new times.

NOW is the time:

  • For new concepts
  •  Properly applied visions
  •  Trend-setting creativity

So,if you have an app idea, or a business that could benefit from going digital, now is the time!

TechnologyPost-COVID-19ZenibyteCreativeZenibyte Native AppsNative Mobile App DevelopmentApp Development Expertise

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Zenibyte Creative

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